Assignment 0: Warmup due 8:30am January 12

The purpose of this assignment is to serve as a simple warmup exercise and to serve as a practice "dry run" for the submission procedures of subsequent assignments. You'll have to write a bit of code but this assignment is mostly about the "mechanics" of setting up your Hadoop development environment. In addition to running Hadoop locally in either the Linux student CS environment or on your own machine, you'll also try running jobs on the Altiscale cluster.

The general setup is as follows: you will complete your assignments and check everything into a private GitHub repo. Shortly after the assignment deadline, we'll pull your repo for grading. Although we will be examining your solutions to assignment 0, it will not be graded per se.

I'm assuming you already have a GitHub account. If not, create one as soon as possible. Once you've signed up for an account, go and request an educational account. This will allow you to create private repos for free. Please do this as soon as possible since there may be delays in the request verification process.

Setting up Hadoop and Spark

Hadoop and Spark are already installed in the environment (you just need to add some paths). Alternatively, you may wish to install everything locally on your own machine. For both, see the software page for more details.

Bespin is a library that contains reference implementations of "big data" algorithms in MapReduce and Spark. We'll be using it throughout this course. Go and run the Word Count in MapReduce and Spark example as shown in the Bespin README (clone and build the repo, download the data files, run word count in both MapReduce in Spark, and verify output). Assuming you are using (or if you have properly set up your local environment), this task should be as simple as copying and pasting commands from the Bespin README.

When running Hadoop, you might get the following warning: "Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable". It's okay: no need to worry.

Time to write some code!

Create a private repo called bigdata2016w. I'm assuming that you're already familiar with Git and GitHub, but just in case, here is how you create a repo on GitHub. For "Who has access to this repository?", make sure you click "Only the people I specify". If you've successfully gotten an educational account (per above), you should be able to create private repos for free. If you're not already familiar with Git, there are plenty of good tutorials online: do a simple web search and find one you like.

What you're going to do now is to copy the MapReduce word count example into you own private repo. Start with this pom.xml: copy it into your bigdata2016w repo. The replace this line in that file:


Instead of lintool, substitute your GitHub username. You'll be working in your own namespace, so in everything that follows, substitute your own GitHub username in place of lintool.

Next, copy:

  • bespin/src/main/java/io/bespin/java/mapreduce/wordcount/ over to
  • bigdata2016w/src/main/java/ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/lintool/assignment0/

Open up this new version of using a text editor (or your IDE of choice) and change the Java package to ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment0.

Now, in the bigdata2016w/ base directory, you should be able to run Maven to build your package:

$ mvn clean package

Once the build succeeds, you should be able to run the word count demo program in your own repository:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment0.WordCount \
   -input data/Shakespeare.txt -output wc

You should be running this in the Linux student CS environment or on your own machine. Note that you'll need to copy over the Shakespeare collection in data/. The output should be exactly the same as the same program in Bespin, but the difference here is that the code is now in a repository under your control, in your own private namespace.

Let's make a simple modification to word count: instead of counting words, I want to count the occurrences of two-character prefixes of words, i.e., the first two characters. That is, I want to know how many words begin with "aa", "ab", "ac", etc., all the way to "zz" (including special characters, etc.). Create a program called PrefixCount in the package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment0 that does this.

To be clear, the WordCount defines a "word" as follows:

String w = itr.nextToken().toLowerCase().replaceAll("(^[^a-z]+|[^a-z]+$)", "");

Simply take whatever w.substring(0, 2) gives you as a prefix. This means, of course, that you should ignore single characters.

We should be able to run your program as follows:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment0.PrefixCount \
   -input data/Shakespeare.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a0-shakespeare

You shouldn't need to write more than a couple lines of code (beyond changing class names and other boilerplate). We'll go over the Hadoop API in more detail in class, but the changes should be straightforward.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. In the Shakespeare collection, what are the three most frequent two character prefixes and how many times does each occur? (Remember when I mentioned "command line"-fu skills in class? This is where such skills will come in handy...)

Question 2. In the Shakespeare collection, how frequent does the prefix "li" occur?

You can run the above instructions using as follows:

$ wget
$ ./ lintool

In fact, we'll be using exactly this script to check your assignment in the Linux Student CS environment. That is, make sure that your code runs there even if you do development on your own machine.

Using the Altiscale Cluster

The software page has details on getting started with the Altiscale cluster. Register your account and follow instructions to set up ssh into the "workspace". Make sure you've properly set up the proxy to view the cluster Resource Manager (RM) webapp at Getting access to the RM webapp is important—you'll need it to track your job status and for debugging purposes.

Once you've ssh'ed into the workspace, check out Bespin and run word count:

$ hadoop jar target/bespin-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   -input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt -output wc-jmr-combiner

Note that we're running word count over a larger collection here: a 10% sample of English Wikipedia totaling 1.3 GB (here's a chance to exercise your newly-acquired HDFS skills to confirm for yourself).

Question 3. Were you able to successfully run word count on the Altiscale cluster and get access to the Resource Manager webapp? (Yes or No)

Now switch into your own bigdata2016w/ repo and run your prefix count program on the sample Wikipedia data:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment0.PrefixCount \
   -input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a0-wiki

Question 4. In the sample Wikipedia collection, what are the three most frequent two character prefixes and how many times does each occur?

Question 5. In the sample Wikipedia collection, How frequent does the prefix "li" occur?

Note that the Altiscale cluster is a shared resource, and how fast your jobs complete will depend on how busy it is. You're advised to begin the assignment early as to avoid long job queues. "I wasn't able to complete the assignment because there were too many jobs running on the cluster" will not be accepted as an excuse if your assignment is late.

You can run the above instructions using as follows:

$ wget
$ ./ lintool

In fact, we'll be using exactly this script to check your assignment on the Altiscale cluster.

Turning in the Assignment

At this point, you should have a GitHub repo bigdata2016w/ and inside the repo, you should have the word count program copied over from Bespin and the new prefix count implementation, along with your pom.xml. Commit these files. Next, create a file called inside bigdata2016w/. In that file, put your answers to the above questions (1—5). Use the Markdown annotation format: here's a simple guide.

Note: there is no need to commit data/ or target/ (or any results that you may have generated), so your repo should be very compact — it should only have four files: two Java source files, pom.xml, and You can add a .gitignore file if you wish.

For this and all subsequent assignments, make sure everything is on the master branch. Push your repo to GitHub. You can verify that it's there by logging into your GitHub account in a web browser: your assignment should be viewable in the web interface.

For this (and the following assignments) there are two parts, one that can be completed locally, and another that requires the Altiscale cluster. For the first, make sure that your code runs in the Linux Student CS environment (even if you do development on your own machine), which is where we will be doing the grading. "But it runs on my laptop!" will not be accepted as an excuse if we can't get your code to run.

Almost there! Add the user teachtool a collaborator to your repo so that we can access it (under settings in the main web interface on your repo). Note: do not add my primary GitHub account lintool as a collaborator.

Finally, you need to tell us your GitHub account so we can link it to you. Submit your user name here.

And that's it!

To give you an idea of how we'll be grading this and future assignments—we will clone your repo and use the above check scripts:

We'll make sure the data files are in the right place, and once the code completes, we will verify the output. It is highly recommend that you run these check scripts: if it doesn't work for you, it won't work for us either.

As mentioned above, one main purpose of this assignment is to provide a practice "dry run" of how assignments will be submitted in the future. It is your responsibility to follow these instructions and learn the process: we will work with you to get the process sorted out for this assignment, but in subsequent assignments, you may be docked points for failing to conform to our expectations.

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Assignment 1: Counting in MapReduce due 8:30am January 19

By now, you should already be familiar with the Hadoop execution environment (e.g., submitting jobs) and using Maven to organize your assignments. You will be working in the same repo as before, except that everything should go into the package namespace ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1 (obviously, replace lintool with your actual GitHub username.

Note that the point of assignment 0 was to familiarize your with GitHub and the Hadoop development environment. We will work through issues with you, but starting this assignment, excuses along the lines of "I couldn't get my repo set up properly", "I couldn't figure out how to push my assignment to GitHub", etc. will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to sort through any mechanics issue you have.

Before staring this assignment, it is highly recommended that you look at the implementations of bigram relative frequency and co-occurrence matrix computation in Bespin.

In this assignment you'll be computing pointwise mutual information, which is a function of two events x and y:

The larger the magnitude of PMI for x and y is, the more information you know about the probability of seeing y having just seen x (and vice-versa, since PMI is symmetrical). If seeing x gives you no information about seeing y, then x and y are independent and the PMI is zero.

Write a program (two separate implementations, actually—more details below) that computes the PMI of words in the data/Shakespeare.txt collection that's used in the Bespin demos and the previous assignment. Your implementation should be in Java. To be more specific, the event we're after is x occurring on a line in the file (the denominator above) or x and y co-occurring on a line (the numerator above). That is, if a line contains "A B C", then the co-occurring pairs are:

  • (A, B)
  • (A, C)
  • (B, A)
  • (B, C)
  • (C, A)
  • (C, B)

If the line contains "A A B C", the co-occurring pairs are still the same as above; same if the line contains "A B C A B C"; or any combinations of A, B, and C in any order.

A few additional important details:

  • To reduce the number of spurious pairs, we are only interested in pairs of words that co-occur in ten or more lines.
  • To reduce the computational complexity of the problem, we are only going to consider up to the first 100 words in each line.
  • Just so everyone's answer is consistent, please use log base 10.

Use the same definition of "word" as in the word count demo. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, use this as the starting point of your mapper:

    public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      String line = ((Text) value).toString();
      StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(line);

      int cnt = 0;
      Set set = Sets.newHashSet();
      while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String w = itr.nextToken().toLowerCase().replaceAll("(^[^a-z]+|[^a-z]+$)", "");
        if (w.length() == 0) continue;
        if (cnt >= 100) break;

      String[] words = new String[set.size()];
      words = set.toArray(words);

      // Your code goes here...

You will build two versions of the program (put both in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1):

  1. A "pairs" implementation. The implementation must use combiners. Name this implementation PairsPMI.
  2. A "stripes" implementation. The implementation must use combiners. Name this implementation StripesPMI.

Since PMI is symmetrical, PMI(x, y) = PMI(y, x). However, it's actually easier in your implementation to compute both values, so don't worry about duplicates. Also, use TextOutputFormat so the results of your program are human readable.

Make sure that the pairs implementation and the stripes implementation give the same answers!

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. (6 points) Briefly describe in prose your solution, both the pairs and stripes implementation. For example: how many MapReduce jobs? What are the input records? What are the intermediate key-value pairs? What are the final output records? A paragraph for each implementation is about the expected length.

Question 2. (2 points) What is the running time of the complete pairs implementation? What is the running time of the complete stripes implementation? (Tell me where you ran these experiments, e.g., or your own laptop.)

Question 3. (2 points) Now disable all combiners. What is the running time of the complete pairs implementation now? What is the running time of the complete stripes implementation? (Tell me where you ran these experiments, e.g., or your own laptop.)

Question 4. (3 points) How many distinct PMI pairs did you extract?

Question 5. (3 points) What's the pair (x, y) (or pairs if there are ties) with the highest PMI? Write a sentence or two to explain why such a high PMI.

Question 6. (6 points) What are the three words that have the highest PMI with "tears" and "death"? And what are the PMI values?

Note that you can compute the answer to questions 4—6 however you wish: a helper Java program, a Python script, command-line one-liner, etc.

Running on the Altiscale cluster

Now, on the Altiscale cluster, run your pairs and stripes implementation on the sample Wikipedia collection stored on HDFS at /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt. Note that in the Wikipedia collection, each article is on a line, so we're computing co-occurring words in (the beginning of) the article. Also, the "first 100 words" restriction will definitely apply here (whereas in the Shakespeare collection, all the lines contained fewer than 100 words, so it was a no-op).

Make sure your code runs on this larger dataset. Assuming that there aren't many competing jobs on the cluster, your programs should not take more than 20 minutes to run. If your job is taking much longer than that, then please kill it so it doesn't waste resources and slow other people's jobs down. Obviously, if the cluster is really busy or if there's a long list of queued jobs, your job will take longer, so use your judgement here. The only point is: be nice. It's a shared resource, and let's not let runaway jobs slow everyone down.

One final detail, set your MapReduce job parameters as follows:

job.getConfiguration().setInt("mapred.max.split.size", 1024 * 1024 * 64);
job.getConfiguration().set("", "3072");
job.getConfiguration().set("", "-Xmx3072m");
job.getConfiguration().set("mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb", "3072");
job.getConfiguration().set("", "-Xmx3072m");

What the last four options do is fairly obvious. The first sets the maximum split size to be 64 MB. What effect does that have? (Hint, consider the physical execution of MapReduce programs we discussed in class)

Question 7. (6 points) In the Wikipedia sample, what are the three words that have the highest PMI with "waterloo" and "toronto"? And what are the PMI values?

It's worth noting again: the Altiscale cluster is a shared resource, and how fast your jobs complete will depend on how busy it is. You're advised to begin the assignment early as to avoid long job queues. "I wasn't able to complete the assignment because there were too many jobs running on the cluster" will not be accepted as an excuse if your assignment is late.

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

Make sure your repo has the following items:

  • Similar to assignment 0, the answers to the questions go in bigdata2016w/
  • The pairs and stripes implementation should be in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1.

When grading, we will pull your repo and build your code:

$ mvn clean package

Your code should build successfully. We are then going to check your code (both the pairs and stripes implementations).

We're going to run your code on the Linux student CS environment as follows (we will make sure the collection is there):

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1.PairsPMI \
   -input data/Shakespeare.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a1-shakespeare-pairs -reducers 5

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1.StripesPMI \
   -input data/Shakespeare.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a1-shakespeare-stripes -reducers 5

Make sure that your code runs in the Linux Student CS environment (even if you do development on your own machine), which is where we will be doing the grading. "But it runs on my laptop!" will not be accepted as an excuse if we can't get your code to run.

You can run the above instructions using

We're going to run your code on the Altiscale cluster as follows:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1.PairsPMI \
   -input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a1-wiki-pairs -reducers 5

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment1.StripesPMI \
   -input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a1-wiki-stripes -reducers 5

You can run the above instructions using

Important: Make sure that your code accepts the command-line parameters above! That is, make sure the check scripts work!

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and going through the steps above.

That's it! There's no need to send us anything—we already know your username from the first assignment. Note that everything should be committed and pushed to origin before the deadline.


  • Did you take a look at the implementations of bigram relative frequency and co-occurrence matrix computation in Bespin?
  • Your solution will likely require more than one MapReduce job.
  • You may have to load in "side data"?
  • My lintools-datatypes package has Writable datatypes that you might find useful. (Feel free to use, but assignment can be completed without it.)


This assignment is worth a total of 50 points, broken down as follows:

  • The questions above are worth a total of 28 points.
  • Getting your code to compile and successfully run is worth another 16 points (4 points each for the pairs and stripes implementation in the Linux student CS environment and on Altiscale). We will make a minimal effort to fix trivial issues with your code (e.g., a typo)—and deduct points—but will not spend time debugging your code. It is your responsibility to make sure your code runs: we have taken care to specify exactly how we will run your code—if anything is unclear, it is your responsibility to seek clarification. In order to get a perfect score of 16 for this portion of the grade, we should be able to run the two public check scripts: (on Linux Student CS) an (on Altiscale cluster) successfully without any errors.
  • Another 6 points is allotted to us verifying the output of your program in ways that we will not tell you. We're giving you the "public" versions of the check scripts; we'll run a "private" version to examine your output further (i.e., think blind test cases).

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Assignment 2: Counting in Spark due 8:30am January 26

In this assignment you will "port" the MapReduce implementations of the bigram frequency count program from Bespin over to Spark (in Scala). Your starting points are ComputeBigramRelativeFrequencyPairs and ComputeBigramRelativeFrequencyStripes in package (in Java). You are welcome to build on the BigramCount (Scala) implementation here for tokenization and "boilerplate" code like command-line argument parsing. To be consistent in tokenization, you should copy over the Tokenizer trait here. You'll also need to grab missing Maven dependencies from here.

Put your code in the package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment2. Since you'll be writing Scala code, your source files should go into src/main/scala/ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/lintool/assignment2/. Note that the repository is designed so that Scala/Spark code will also compile with the same Maven build command:

$ mvn clean package

Following the Java implementations, you will write both a "pairs" and a "stripes" implementation in Spark. Not that although Spark has a different API than MapReduce, the algorithmic concepts are still very much applicable. Your pairs and stripes implementation should follow the same logic as in the MapReduce implementations. In particular, your program should only take one pass through the input data.

Make sure your implementation runs in the Linux student CS environment on the Shakespeare collection and also on sample Wikipedia file /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt on HDFS in the Altiscale cluster. Note that submitting Spark jobs on the Altiscale cluster requires a rather arcane command-line invocation see the software page for more details.

You can verify the correctness of your algoritm by comparing the output of the MapReduce implementation with your Spark implementation. The output should be the same.

Clarification on terminology: informally, we often refer to "mappers" and "reducers" in the context of Spark. That's a shorthand way of saying map-like transformations (map, flatMap, filter, mapPartitions, etc.) and reduce-like transformations (e.g., reduceByKey, groupByKey, aggregateByKey, etc.). Hopefully it's clear from lecture that while Spark represents a generalization of MapReduce, the notions of per-record processing (i.e., map-like transformation) and grouping/shuffling (i.e., reduce-like transformations) are shared across both frameworks.

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

The pairs and stripes implementation should be in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment2; your Scala code should be in src/main/scala/ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/lintool/assignment2/. There are no questions to answer in this assignment unless there is something you would like to communicate with us, and if so, put it in

When grading, we will pull your repo and build your code:

$ mvn clean package

Your code should build successfully. We are then going to check your code (both the pairs and stripes implementations).

We're going to run your code on the Linux student CS environment as follows (we will make sure the collection is there):

$ spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment2.ComputeBigramRelativeFrequencyPairs \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input data/Shakespeare.txt --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a2-shakespeare-pairs --reducers 5

$ spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment2.ComputeBigramRelativeFrequencyStripes \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input data/Shakespeare.txt --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a2-shakespeare-stripes --reducers 5

Make sure that your code runs in the Linux Student CS environment (even if you do development on your own machine), which is where we will be doing the grading. "But it runs on my laptop!" will not be accepted as an excuse if we can't get your code to run.

We're going to run your code on the Altiscale cluster as follows (note we add --num-executors 10 to specify the number of executors; also note that we use the my-spark-submit launch script—see the software page for details):

$ my-spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment2.ComputeBigramRelativeFrequencyPairs --num-executors 10 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
   --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a2-wiki-pairs --reducers 10

$ my-spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment2.ComputeBigramRelativeFrequencyStripes --num-executors 10 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
   --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a2-wiki-stripes --reducers 10

Important: Make sure that your code accepts the command-line parameters above!

Brief explanation about the relationship between --num-executors and --reducers. The --num-executors flag specifies the number of Spark workers that you allocate for this particular job. The --reducers flag is the amount of parallelism that you set in your program in the reduce stage. If --num-executors is larger than --reducers, some of the workers will be sitting idle, since you've allocated more workers for the job than the parallelism you've specified in your program. If --reducers is larger than --num-executors, then your reduce tasks will queue up at the workers, i.e., a worker will be assigned more than one reduce task. In the above example we set the two equal.

Note that the setting of these two parameters should not affect the correctness of your program. The setting of ten above is a reasonable middle ground between having your jobs finish in a reasonable amount of time and not monopolizing cluster resources.

A related but still orthogonal concept is partitions. Partitions describes the physical division of records across workers during execution. When reading from HDFS, the number of HDFS blocks determines the number of partitions in your RDD. When you apply a reduce-like transformation, you can optionally specify the number of partitions (or Spark applies a default) — in this case, the number of partitions is equal to the number of reducers.

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", we would recommend that you verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and going through the steps above.

That's it!


This assignment is worth a total of 20 points, broken down as follows:

  • The pairs implementation running locally is worth 6 points; the stripes implementation running locally is worth another 6 points.
  • The pairs implementation running on Altiscale is worth 4 points; the stripes implementation running on Altiscale is worth another 4 points.

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Assignment 3: Inverted Indexing due 8:30am February 2

This assignment is to be completed in MapReduce in Java. You will be working in the same repo as before, except that everything should go into the package namespace ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3 (obviously, replace lintool with your actual GitHub username.

Look at the inverted indexing and boolean retrieval implementation in Bespin. Make sure you understand the code. Starting from the inverted indexing baseline BuildInvertedIndex, modify the indexer code in the following ways:

1. Index Compression. The index should be compressed using VInts: see You should also use gap-compression techniques as appropriate.

2. Buffering postings. The baseline indexer implementation currently buffers and sorts postings in the reducer, which as we discussed in class is not a scalable solution. Address this scalability bottleneck using techniques we discussed in class and in the textbook.

3. Term partitioning. The baseline indexer implementation currently uses only one reducer and therefore all postings lists are shuffled to the same node and written to HDFS in a single partition. Change this so we can specify the number of reducers (hence, partitions) as a command-line argument. This is, of course, easy to do, but we need to make sure that the searcher understands this partitioning also.

Note: The major scalability issue is buffering uncompressed postings in memory. In your solution, you'll still end up buffering each postings list, but in compressed form (raw bytes, no additional object overhead). This is fine because if you use the right compression technique, the postings lists are quite small. As a data point, on a collection of 50 million web pages, 2GB heap is more than enough for a full positional index (and in this assignment you're not asked to store positional information in your postings).

To go into a bit more detail: in the reference implementation, the final key type is PairOfWritables<IntWritable, ArrayListWritable<PairOfInts>>. The most obvious idea is to change that into something like PairOfWritables<VIntWritable, ArrayListWritable<PairOfVInts>>. This does not work! The reason is that you will still be materializing each posting, i.e., all PairOfVInts objects in memory. This translates into a Java object for every posting, which is wasteful in terms of memory usage and will exhaust memory pretty quickly as you scale. In other words, you're still buffering objects—just inside the ArrayListWritable.

This new indexer should be named BuildInvertedIndexCompressed. This new class should be in the package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3. Make sure it works on the Shakespeare collection.

Modify BooleanRetrieval so that it works with the new compressed indexes. Name this new class BooleanRetrievalCompressed. This new class should be in the same package as above and give the same output as the old version.

Use BuildInvertedIndex and BooleanRetrieval from Bespin as your starting points. That is, copy over into your repo, rename, and begin your assignment from there. Don't unnecessarily change code not directly related to points #1-#3 above. In particular, do not change how the documents are tokenized, etc. in BuildInvertedIndex (otherwise there's no good way to check for the correctness of your algorithm). Also, do not change the fetchLine method in BooleanRetrieval so that everyone's output looks the same.

In more detail, make sure that you can build the inverted index with the following command (make sure your implementation runs in the Linux student CS environment, as that is where we will be doing the grading):

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.BuildInvertedIndexCompressed \
   -input data/Shakespeare.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a3-index-shakespeare -reducers 4

We should be able to control the number of partitions (#3 above) with the -reducers option. That is, the code should give the correct results no matter what we set the value to.

Once we build the index, we should then be able to run a boolean query as follows (in exactly the same manner as BooleanRetrieval in Bespin):

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.BooleanRetrievalCompressed \
   -index cs489-2016w-lintool-a3-index-shakespeare -collection data/Shakespeare.txt \
   -query "outrageous fortune AND"

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.BooleanRetrievalCompressed \
   -index cs489-2016w-lintool-a3-index-shakespeare -collection data/Shakespeare.txt \
   -query "white red OR rose AND pluck AND"

Of course, we will try your program with additional queries to verify its correctness.

Answer the following question:

Question 1. What is the size of your compressed index for Shakespeare collection? Just so we're using the same units, report the output of du -h.

Running on the Altiscale cluster

Now let's try running your implementation on the Altiscale cluster, on the sample Wikipedia file /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt on HDFS:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.BuildInvertedIndexCompressed \
   -input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
   -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a3-index-wiki -reducers 4

And let's try running a query:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.BooleanRetrievalCompressed \
   -index cs489-2016w-lintool-a3-index-wiki \
   -collection /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
   -query "waterloo stanford OR cheriton AND"

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.BooleanRetrievalCompressed \
   -index cs489-2016w-lintool-a3-index-wiki \
   -collection /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
   -query "internet startup AND canada AND ontario AND"

Answer the following questions:

Question 2. What is the size of your compressed index for the sample Wikipedia collection? Just so we're using the same units, report the output of hadoop fs -du -h.

Question 3. What are the Wikipedia articles (just the article titles) retrieved in response to the query "waterloo stanford OR cheriton AND"?

Question 4. What are the Wikipedia articles (just the article titles) retrieved in response to the query "internet startup AND canada AND ontario AND"?

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

Make sure your repo has the following items:

  • Similar to the previous assignments, the answers to the questions go in bigdata2016w/
  • The implementations should be in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment3.

Make sure your implementation runs in the Linux student CS environment on the Shakespeare collection and also on sample Wikipedia file /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt on HDFS in the Altiscale cluster, per above.

Specifically, we will clone your repo and use the below check scripts:

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", we would recommend that you verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and run the public check scripts.

That's it!


This assignment is worth a total of 50 points, broken down as follows:

  • Implementation correctness is worth 30 points. Note that the questions above are not explicitly worth any points; they exist primarily to help us gauge your implementation correctness. For example, if your index size is larger than we expect, it's likely you've not applied compression correctly. If your retrieved results do not match ours, it's likely you have a bug in your retrieval implementation.
  • Getting your code to compile and successfully run is worth another 10 points (5 points for the Linux student CS environment and 5 points on the Altiscale cluster). We will make a minimal effort to fix trivial issues with your code (e.g., a typo)—and deduct points—but will not spend time debugging your code. It is your responsibility to make sure your code runs: we have taken care to specify exactly how we will run your code—if anything is unclear, it is your responsibility to seek clarification. In order to get a perfect score of 10 for this portion of the grade, we should be able to run the two public check scripts: (on Linux Student CS) an (on Altiscale cluster) successfully without any errors.
  • Another 10 points is allotted to us verifying the behavior and output of your program in ways that we will not tell you. We're giving you the "public" versions of the check scripts; we'll run a "private" version to examine your output further (i.e., think blind test cases).

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Assignment 4: Multi-Source Personalized PageRank due 8:30am February 9

For this assignment, you will be working in the same repo as before, except that everything should go into the package namespace ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4 (obviously, replace lintool with your actual GitHub username.

Begin by taking the time to understand the PageRank reference implementation in Bespin (particularly RunPageRankBasic). For this assignment, you are going to implement multiple-source personalized PageRank. As we discussed in class, personalized PageRank is different from ordinary PageRank in a few respects:

  • There is the notion of a source node, which is what we're computing the personalization with respect to.
  • When initializing PageRank, instead of a uniform distribution across all nodes, the source node gets a mass of one and every other node gets a mass of zero.
  • Whenever the model makes a random jump, the random jump is always back to the source node; this is unlike in ordinary PageRank, where there is an equal probability of jumping to any node.
  • All mass lost in the dangling nodes are put back into the source node; this is unlike in ordinary PageRank, where the missing mass is evenly distributed across all nodes.

Here are some publications about personalized PageRank if you're interested. They're just provided for background; neither is necessary for completing the assignment.

Your implementation is going to run multiple personalized PageRank computations in parallel, one with respect to each source. The sources will be specified on the command line. This means that each PageRank node object (i.e., Writable) is going to contain an array of PageRank values.

Here's how the implementation is going to work: it largely follows the reference implementation of RunPageRankBasic. You must make your implementation work with respect to the command-line invocations specified below.

First, convert the adjacency list into PageRank node records:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.BuildPersonalizedPageRankRecords \
   -input data/p2p-Gnutella08-adj.txt -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRankRecords \
   -numNodes 6301 -sources 367,249,145

The -sources option specifies the source nodes for the personalized PageRank computations. In this case, we're running three computations in parallel, with respect to node ids 367, 249, and 145. You can expect the option value to be in the form of a comma-separated list, and that all node ids actually exist in the graph. The list of source nodes may be arbitrarily long, but for practical purposes we won't test your code with more than a few.

Since we're running three personalized PageRank computations in parallel, each PageRank node is going to hold an array of three values, the personalized PageRank values with respect to the first source, second source, and third source. You can expect the array positions to correspond exactly to the position of the node id in the source string.

Next, partition the graph (hash partitioning) and get ready to iterate:

$ hadoop fs -mkdir cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRank

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.PartitionGraph \
   -input cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRankRecords \
   -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRank/iter0000 -numPartitions 5 -numNodes 6301

After setting everything up, iterate multi-source personalized PageRank:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.RunPersonalizedPageRankBasic \
   -base cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRank -numNodes 6301 -start 0 -end 20 -sources 367,249,145

Note that the sources are passed in from the command-line again. Here, we're running twenty iterations.

Finally, run a program to extract the top ten personalized PageRank values, with respect to each source.

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.ExtractTopPersonalizedPageRankNodes \
   -input cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRank/iter0020 -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-Gnutella-PageRank-top10 \
   -top 10 -sources 367,249,145

The above program should print the following answer to stdout:

Source: 367
0.35257 367
0.04181 264
0.03889 266
0.03888 559
0.03883 5
0.03860 1317
0.03824 666
0.03817 7
0.03799 4
0.00850 249

Source: 249
0.34089 249
0.04034 251
0.03721 762
0.03688 123
0.03686 250
0.03668 753
0.03627 755
0.03623 351
0.03622 983
0.00949 367

Source: 145
0.36937 145
0.04195 1317
0.04120 265
0.03847 390
0.03606 367
0.03566 246
0.03525 667
0.03519 717
0.03513 149
0.03496 2098

Additional Specifications

To make the final output easier to read, in the class ExtractTopPersonalizedPageRankNodes, use the following format to print each (personalized PageRank value, node id) pair:

String.format("%.5f %d", pagerank, nodeid)

This will generate the final results in the same format as above. Also note: print actual probabilities, not log probabilities—although during the actual PageRank computation keep values as log probabilities.

The final class ExtractTopPersonalizedPageRankNodes does not need to be a MapReduce job (but it does need to read from HDFS). Obviously, the other classes need to run MapReduce jobs.

The reference implementation of PageRank in Bespin has many options: you can either use in-mapper combining or ordinary combiners. In your implementation, use ordinary combiners. Also, the reference implementation has an option to either use range partitioning or hash partitioning: you only need to implement hash partitioning. You can start with the reference implementation and remove code that you don't need (see #2 below).

Hints and Suggestion

To help you out, there's a small helper program in Bespin that computes personalized PageRank using a sequential algorithm. Use it to check your answers:

$ hadoop jar target/bespin-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   -input data/p2p-Gnutella08-adj.txt -source 367

Note that this isn't actually a MapReduce job; we're simply using Hadoop to run the main for convenience. The values from your implementation should be pretty close to the output of the above program, but might differ a bit due to convergence issues. After 20 iterations, the output of the MapReduce implementation should match to at least the fourth decimal place.

This is complex assignment. We would suggest breaking the implementation into the following steps:

  1. First, copy the reference PageRank implementation into your own assignments repo (renaming the classes appropriately). Make sure you can get it to run and output the correct results with ordinary PageRank.
  2. Simplify the code; i.e., if you decide to use the in-mapper combiner, remove the code that works with ordinary combiners.
  3. Implement personalized PageRank from a single source; that is, if the user sets option -sources w,x,y,z, simply ignore x,y,z and run personalized PageRank with respect to w. This can be accomplished with the existing PageRankNode, which holds a single floating point value.
  4. Extend the PageRankNode class to store an array of floats (length of array is the number of sources) instead of a single float. Make sure single-source personalized PageRank still runs.
  5. Implement multi-source personalized PageRank.

In particular, #3 is a nice checkpoint. If you're not able to get the multiple-source personalized PageRank to work, at least completing the single-source implementation will allow us to give you partial credit.

Running on the Altiscale cluster

Once you get your implementation working and debugged in the Linux environment, you're going to run your code on a non-trivial graph: the link structure of (all of) Wikipedia. The adjacency lists are stored in /shared/cs489/data/wiki-adj on HDFS. The graph has 16,117,779 vertices and 155,472,640 edges.

First, convert the adjacency list into PageRank node records:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.BuildPersonalizedPageRankRecords \
   -input /shared/cs489/data/wiki-adj -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRankRecords \
   -numNodes 16117779 -sources 73273,73276

Next, partition the graph (hash partitioning) and get ready to iterate:

$ hadoop fs -mkdir cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRank

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.PartitionGraph \
   -input cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRankRecords \
   -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRank/iter0000 -numPartitions 10 -numNodes 16117779

After setting everything up, iterate multi-source personalized PageRank:

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.RunPersonalizedPageRankBasic \
   -base cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRank -numNodes 16117779 -start 0 -end 20 -sources 73273,73276

On the Altiscale cluster, each iteration shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to complete. If it's taking more than five minutes per iteration, you're doing something wrong.

Finally, run a program to extract the top ten personalized PageRank values, with respect to each source.

$ hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
   ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.ExtractTopPersonalizedPageRankNodes \
   -input cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRank/iter0020 -output cs489-2016w-lintool-a4-wiki-PageRank-top10 \
   -top 10 -sources 73273,73276

In the example above, we're running personalized PageRank with respect to two sources: 73273 and 73276. What articles do these ids correspond to? There's a file on HDFS at /shared/cs489/data/wiki-titles.txt that provides the answer. How do you know if your implementation is correct? You can sanity check your results by taking the ids and looking up the articles that they correspond to. Do the results make sense?

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

Make sure your repo has the following items:

  • Similar to the previous assignments, you'll create a file called bigdata2016w/ (more below).
  • All the implementations described above should be in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment4.

Make sure your implementation runs in the Linux student CS environment on the Gnutella graph and on the Wikipedia graph on the Altiscale cluster.

In bigdata2016w/, tell us if you were able to successfully complete the assignment. This is in case we can't get your code to run, we need to know if it is because you weren't able to complete the assignment successfully, or if it is due to some other issue. If you were not able to implement everything, describe how far you've gotten. Feel free to use this space to tell us additional things we should look for in your implementation.

Also, in this file, copy the output of your implementation on the Altiscale cluster, i.e., personalized PageRank with respect to vertices 73273 and 73276. This will give us something to look at and check if we can't get your code to run successfully. Something that looks like this:

Source: 73273

Source: 73276

When grading, we will clone your repo and use the below check scripts:

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", we would recommend that you verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and run the public check scripts.

That's it!


The entire assignment is worth 55 points:

  • A correct implementation of single-source personalized PageRank is worth 10 points.
  • That we are able to run the single-source personalized PageRank implementation in the Linux Student CS environment is worth 5 points.
  • A correct implementation of multiple-source personalized PageRank is worth 15 points.
  • That we are able to run the multiple-source personalized PageRank implementation in the Linux Student CS environment is worth 5 points.
  • Scaling the single-source personalized PageRank implementation on Altiscale is worth 10 points.
  • Scaling the multiple-source personalized PageRank implementation on Altiscale is worth 10 points.

In our private check scripts, we will specify arbitrary source nodes to verify the correctness of your implementation.

Note that this grading scheme discretizes each component of the assignment. For example, if you implement everything and it works correctly on the Linux Student CS environment, but can't get it to scale on the Altiscale cluster to the larger graph, you'll receive 35 out of 55 points. On the other hand, if you implement single-source personalized PageRank correctly and it runs in both the Linux Student CS environment and Altiscale, you will receive 25 out of 55 points. And combinations thereof.

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Assignment 5: Data Warehousing due 8:30am March 3

In this assignment you'll be hand-crafting Spark programs that implement SQL queries in a data warehousing scenario. Various SQL-on-Hadoop solutions share in providing an SQL query interface on data stored in HDFS via an intermediate execution framework. For example, Hive queries are "compiled" into MapReduce jobs; SparkSQL queries rely on Spark processing primitives for query execution. In this assignment, you'll play the role of mediating between SQL queries and the underlying execution framework (Spark). In more detail, you'll be given a series of SQL queries, and for each you'll have to hand-craft a Spark program that corresponds to each query.

Important: You are not allowed to use the Dataframe API or Spark SQL to complete this assignment. You must write code to manipulate raw RDDs. Furthermore, you are not allowed to use join and closely-related transformations in Spark for this assignment, because otherwise it defeats the point of the exercise. The assignment will guide you toward what we are looking for, but if you have any questions as to what is allowed or not, ask!

We will be working with data from the TPC-H benchmark in this assignment. The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) is a non-profit organization that defines various database benchmarks so that database vendors can evaluate the performance of their products fairly. TPC defines the "rules of the game", so to speak. TPC defines various benchmarks, of which one is TPC-H, for evaluating ad-hoc decision support systems in a data warehousing scenario. The current version of the TPC-H benchmark is located here. You'll want to skim through this (long) document; the most important part is the entity-relationship diagram of the data warehouse on page 13. Throughout the assignment you'll likely be referring to it, as it will help you make sense of the queries you are running.

The TPC-H benchmark comes with a data generator, and we have generated some data for you here (TPC-H-0.1-TXT.tar.gz). For the first part of the assignment where you will be working with Spark locally, you will run your queries against this data. Download and unpack the data above: you will see a number of text files, each corresponding to a table in the TPC-H schema. The files are delimited by |. You'll notice that some of the fields, especially the text fields, are gibberish—that's normal, since the data are randomly generated.

Implement the following seven SQL queries, running on the TPC-H-0.1-TXT data. Each SQL query is accompanied by a written description of what the query does; if there are any ambiguities in the language, you can always assume that the SQL query is correct. Each of your query will be a separate Spark program. Put your code in the package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5, in the same repo that you've been working in all semester. Since you'll be writing Scala code, your source files should go into src/main/scala/ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/lintool/assignment5/. Obviously, replace lintool with your actual GitHub username.

Q1: How many items were shipped on a particular date? This corresponds to the following SQL query:

select count(*) from lineitem where l_shipdate = 'YYYY-MM-DD';

Write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q1 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

the answer to the above SQL query will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed), in a line that matches the following regular expression:


The output of the query can contain logging and debug information, but there must be a line with the answer in exactly the above format.

The value of the --input argument is the directory that contains the plain-text tables. The value of the --date argument corresponds to the l_shipdate predicate in the where clause in the SQL query. You need to anticipate dates of the form YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or just YYYY, and your query needs to give the correct answer depending on the date format. You can assume that a valid date (in one of the above formats) is provided, so you do not need to perform input validation.

Q2: Which clerks were responsible for processing items that were shipped on a particular date? List the first 20 by order key. This corresponds to the following SQL query:

select o_clerk, o_orderkey from lineitem, orders
  l_orderkey = o_orderkey and
  l_shipdate = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
order by o_orderkey asc limit 20;

Write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q2 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

the answer to the above SQL query will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed), as a sequence of tuples in the following format:


That is, each tuple is comma-delimited and surrounded by parentheses. Everything described in Q1 about dates applies here as well.

In the design of this data warehouse, the lineitem and orders tables are not likely to fit in memory. Therefore, the only scalable join approach is the reduce-side join. You must implement this join in Spark using the cogroup transformation.

Q3: What are the names of parts and suppliers of items shipped on a particular date? List the first 20 by order key. This corresponds to the following SQL query:

select l_orderkey, p_name, s_name from lineitem, part, supplier
  l_partkey = p_partkey and
  l_suppkey = s_suppkey and
  l_shipdate = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
order by l_orderkey asc limit 20;

Write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q3 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

the answer to the above SQL query will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed), as a sequence of tuples in the following format:


That is, each tuple is comma-delimited and surrounded by parentheses. Everything described in Q1 about dates applies here as well.

In the design of this data warehouse, it is assumed that the part and supplier tables will fit in memory. Therefore, it is possible to implement a hash join. For this query, you must implement a hash join in Spark with broadcast variables.

Q4: How many items were shipped to each country on a particular date? This corresponds to the following SQL query:

select n_nationkey, n_name, count(*) from lineitem, orders, customer, nation
  l_orderkey = o_orderkey and
  o_custkey = c_custkey and
  c_nationkey = n_nationkey and
  l_shipdate = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
group by n_nationkey, n_name
order by n_nationkey asc;

Write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q4 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

the answer to the above SQL query will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed). Format the output in the same manner as with the above queries: one tuple per line, where each tuple is comma-delimited and surrounded by parentheses. Everything described in Q1 about dates applies here as well.

Implement this query with different join techniques as you see fit. You can assume that the lineitem and orders table will not fit in memory, but you can assume that the customer and nation tables will both fit in memory. For this query, the performance as well as the scalability of your implementation will contribute to the grade.

Q5: This query represents a very simple end-to-end ad hoc analysis task: Related to Q4, your boss has asked you to compare shipments to Canada vs. the United States by month, given all the data in the data warehouse. You think this request is best fulfilled by a line graph, with two lines (one representing the US and one representing Canada), where the x-axis is the year/month and the y axis is the volume, i.e., count(*). Generate this graph for your boss.

First, write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q5 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT

the raw data necessary for the graph will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed). Format the output in the same manner as with the above queries: one tuple per line, where each tuple is comma-delimited and surrounded by parentheses.

Next, create this actual graph: use whatever tool you are comfortable with, e.g., Excel, gnuplot, etc.

Q6: This is a slightly modified version of TPC-H Q1 "Pricing Summary Report Query". This query reports the amount of business that was billed, shipped, and returned:

  sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty,
  sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price,
  sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) as sum_disc_price,
  sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)*(1+l_tax)) as sum_charge,
  avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty,
  avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price,
  avg(l_discount) as avg_disc,
  count(*) as count_order
from lineitem
  l_shipdate = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
group by l_returnflag, l_linestatus;

Write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q6 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

the answer to the above SQL query will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed). Format the output in the same manner as with the above queries: one tuple per line, where each tuple is comma-delimited and surrounded by parentheses. Everything described in Q1 about dates applies here as well.

Implement this query as efficiently as you can, using all of the optimizations we discussed in lecture. You will only get full points for this question if you exploit all the optimization opportunities that are available.

Q7: This is a slightly modified version of TPC-H Q3 "Shipping Priority Query". This query retrieves the 10 unshipped orders with the highest value:

  sum(l_extendedprice*(1-l_discount)) as revenue,
from customer, orders, lineitem
  c_custkey = o_custkey and
  l_orderkey = o_orderkey and
  o_orderdate < "YYYY-MM-DD" and
  l_shipdate > "YYYY-MM-DD"
group by
order by
  revenue desc
limit 10;

Write a program such that when we execute the following command:

spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q7 \
   target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input TPC-H-0.1-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

the answer to the above SQL query will be printed to stdout (on the console where the above command is executed). Format the output in the same manner as with the above queries: one tuple per line, where each tuple is comma-delimited and surrounded by parentheses. Here you can assume that the date argument is only in the format YYYY-MM-DD and that it is a valid date.

Implement this query as efficiently as you can, using all of the optimizations we discussed in lecture. Plan you joins as you see fit, keeping in mind above assumptions on what will and will not fit in memory. You will only get full points for this question if you exploit all the optimization opportunities that are available.

Scaling up on Altiscale

Once you get your implementation working and debugged in the Linux environment, run your code on a larger TCP-H dataset, located on HDFS at /shared/cs489/data/TPC-H-10-TXT. Make sure that all seven queries above run correctly on this larger dataset.

On the Altiscale cluster, we will run your code with the following command-line parameters (same for Q1-Q7):

my-spark-submit --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5.Q1 --num-executors 10 --driver-memory 2g --executor-memory 2G \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input /shared/cs489/data/TPC-H-10-TXT --date '1996-01-01'

In this configuration, your programs shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. If it's taking more than five minutes, you're probably doing something wrong.

Important: In your my-spark-submit script, make sure you set --deploy-mode client. This will force the driver to run on the client (i.e., workspace), so that you will see the output of println. Otherwise, the driver will run on an arbitrary cluster node, making stdout not directly visible.

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

Make sure your repo has the following items:

  • Optional: put anything that you want to convey to us about your implementation in bigdata2016w/
  • Two files, named bigdata2016w/assignment5-Q5-small.pdf and bigdata2016w/assignment5-Q5-large.pdf that contains the graphs for Q5 on the TPC-H-0.1-TXT and TPC-H-10-TXT datasets, respectively. If you cannot easily generate PDFs, the files should be some easily-viewable format, e.g., png, gif, etc.
  • Your implementations for the queries should be in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment5. There should be at the minimum seven classes (Q1-Q7), but you may include helper classes as you see fit.

Make sure your implementation runs in the Linux student CS environment on TPC-H-0.1-TXT, and on the Alitscale cluster on the TPC-H-10-TXT data.

Specifically, we will clone your repo and use the below check scripts:

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", we would recommend that you verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and run the public check scripts.

That's it!


The entire assignment is worth 100 points:

  • Getting your code to compile is worth 10 points (by now, these should be "free" points).
  • For Q1-Q3, each query is worth 10 points: 5 points for a correct implementation that works in the Linux Student CS environment, 5 points for a correct implementation that works on the Altiscale cluster.
  • Q4 and Q5 are each worth 14 points: 7 points for a correct implementation that works in the Linux Student CS environment, 7 points for a correct implementation that works on the Altiscale cluster.
  • Q6 and Q7 are each worth 16 points: 8 points for a correct implementation that works in the Linux Student CS environment, 8 points for a correct implementation that works on the Altiscale cluster.

A working implementation means that your code gives the right output according to our private check scripts, which will contain --date parameters that are unknown to you (but will nevertheless conform to our specifications above).

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Assignment 6: Spam Classification due 8:30am March 22

In this assignment, you will build a spam classifier trained using stochastic gradient descent in Spark, replicating the work described in Efficient and Effective Spam Filtering and Re-ranking for Large Web Datasets by Cormack, Smucker, and Clarke. We will draw your attention to specific sections of the paper that are directly pertinent to the assignment, but you should read the entire paper for background.

Downloading Data

First let's grab the training and test data:


The sizes of the above files are 5.5 MB, 6.6 MB, 248 MB, and 303 MB, respectively. After you've downloaded the data, unpack:

bunzip2 spam.train.group_x.txt.bz2
bunzip2 spam.train.group_y.txt.bz2
bunzip2 spam.train.britney.txt.bz2
bunzip2 spam.test.qrels.txt.bz2

Verify the unpacked data:

spam.train.group_x.txtd6897ed8319c71604b1278b660a479b625 MB
spam.train.group_y.txt4d103821fdf369be526347b503655da520 MB
spam.train.britney.txtb52d54caa20325413491591f034b5e7b766 MB
spam.test.qrels.txt df1d26476ec41fec625bc2eb9969875c1.1 GB

Next, download the two files you'll need for evaluating the output of the spam classifier (links below):

Compile the C program:

gcc -O2 -o compute_spam_metrics compute_spam_metrics.c -lm

You might get some warnings but don't worry—the code should compile fine. The actual evaluation script (and calls compute_spam_metrics, so make sure they're in the same directory.

Note on local vs. Altiscale: for this assignment, your code must (eventually) work in Altiscale, but feel free to develop locally or in the Linux Student CS environment. The instructions below are written for running locally, but in a separate section later we will cover details specific to Altiscale.

Basic Spam Classifier

In this assignment, we'll take you through building spam classifiers of increasing complexity, but let's start with a basic implementation using stochastic gradient descent. Build the spam classifier in exactly the way we describe below, because later parts of the assignment will depend on the setup.

First, let's write the classifier trainer. The classifier trainer takes all the training instances, runs stochastic gradient descent, and produces a model as output.

Look at the Cormack, Smucker, and Clarke paper: the entire algorithm is literally 34 lines of C, shown in Figure 2 on page 10. The stochastic gradient descent update equations are in equations (11) and (12) on page 11. We actually made things even simpler for you: the features used in the spam classifier are hashed byte 4-grams (thus, integers)—we've pre-computed the features for you.

Take a look at spam.train.group_x.txt. The first line begins as follows:

clueweb09-en0094-20-13546 spam 387908 697162 426572 161118 688171 ...

In the file, each training instance is on a line. Each line begins with a document id, the string "spam" or "ham" (the label), and a list of integers (the features).

Therefore, your spam classifier will look something like this:

// w is the weight vector (make sure the variable is within scope)
val w = Map[Int, Double]()

// Scores a document based on its list of features.
def spamminess(features: Array[Int]) : Double = {
  var score = 0d
  features.foreach(f => if (w.contains(f)) score += w(f))

// This is the main learner:
val delta = 0.002

// For each instance...
val isSpam = ...   // label
val features = ... // feature vector of the training instance

// Update the weights as follows:
val score = spamminess(features)
val prob = 1.0 / (1 + exp(-score))
features.foreach(f => {
  if (w.contains(f)) {
    w(f) += (isSpam - prob) * delta
  } else {
    w(f) = (isSpam - prob) * delta

We've given you the code fragment for the learner above as a starting point—it's your job to understand exactly how it works and turn it into a complete classifier trainer in Spark.

For the structure of the Spark trainer program, take a look at slide 14 in the Week 8, part 2 deck. We're going to build the configuration shown there (even though the slide says MapReduce, we're implementing it in Spark). Specifically, we're going run a single reducer to make sure we pump all the training instances through a single learner on the reducer end. The overall structure of your program is going to look something like this:

val textFile = sc.textFile("/path/to/training/data")

val trained = =>{
  // Parse input
  // ..
  (0, (docid, isSpam, features))
  // Then run the trainer...


Note the mappers are basically just parsing the feature vectors and pushing them over to the reducer side for additional processing. We emit "0" as a "dummy key" to make sure all the training instances get collected at the reducer end via groupByKey()... after which you run the trainer (which applies the SGD updates, per above). Of course, it's your job to figure out how to connect the pieces together. This is the crux of the assignment.

Putting everything together, you will write a trainer program called TrainSpamClassifier that we will execute in the following manner:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.TrainSpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.train.group_x.txt --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x

The --input option specifies the input training instances (from above); the --model option specifies the output directory where the model goes. Inside the model directory cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x, there should be a single file, part-00000, that contains the trained model. The trained model should be a sequence of tuples, one on each line; each tuple should contain a feature and its weight (a double value). Something like:

$ head -5 cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x/part-00000

Next, you will write another Spark program named ApplySpamClassifier that will apply the trained spam classifier to the test instances. That is, the program will read in each input instance, compute the spamminess score (from above), and make a prediction: if the spamminess score is above 0, classify the document as spam; otherwise, classify the document as ham.

We will run the program in the following manner:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.ApplySpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.test.qrels.txt \
 --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_x --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x

The --input option specifies the input test instances; the --model option specifies the classifier model; and the --output option specifies the output directory. The test data is organized in exactly the same way as the training data. The output of ApplySpamClassifier should be organized as follows:

$ cat cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_x/* | sort | head -5

The first field in each tuple is the document id and the second field is the test label. These are just copied from the test data. The third field is the spamminess score, and the fourth field is the classifier's prediction.

Important: It is absolutely critical that your classifier does not use the label in the test data when making its predictions. The only reason the label is included in the output is to facilitate evaluation (see below).

Finally, you can evaluate your results:

$ ./ cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_x
1-ROCA%: 17.25

The eval script prints the evaluation metric, which is the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. This is a common way to characterize classifier error. The lower this score, the better.

If you've done everything correctly up until now, you should be able to replicate the above results.

You should then be able to train on the group_y training set:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.TrainSpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.train.group_y.txt --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_y

And make predictions:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.ApplySpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.test.qrels.txt \
 --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_y --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_y

And evaluate:

$ ./ cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_y
1-ROCA%: 12.82

Finally, train on the britney training set:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.TrainSpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.train.britney.txt --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-britney

And make predictions:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.ApplySpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.test.qrels.txt \
 --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-britney --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-britney

And evaluate:

$ ./ cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-britney
1-ROCA%: 16.46

There may be some non-determinism in running over the britney dataset, so you might get something slightly different.

Here's a placeholder for question 1 that you're going to answer below (see Altiscale section).

Ensemble Spam Classifier

Next, let's build an ensemble classifier. Start by gathering all the models from each of the individual classifiers into a common directory:

mkdir cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-fusion
cp cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x/part-00000 cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-fusion/part-00000
cp cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_y/part-00000 cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-fusion/part-00001
cp cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-britney/part-00000 cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-fusion/part-00002

With these three separate classifiers, implement two different ensemble techniques:

  • Score averaging: Average the spamminess score from each individual classifier. If the average score is above 0, classify the document as spam; otherwise, classify the document as ham.
  • Voting: Each classifier gets a vote on spam/ham. Majority wins. The spamminess score in this case is # spam - # ham (so the possible scores are -3, -1, 1, 3).

Write a program ApplyEnsembleSpamClassifier that we will execute in the following manner:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.ApplyEnsembleSpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.test.qrels.txt \
 --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-fusion-average --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-fusion --method average

The --input option specifies the input test instances. The --model option specifies the base directory of all the classifier models; in this directory your program should expect each individual model in a part-XXXXX file; it's okay to hard code the part files for convenience. The --output option specifies the output directory. Finally, the --method option specifies the ensemble technique, either "average" or "vote" per above.

Your prediction program needs to load all three models, apply the specified ensemble technique, and make predictions. Hint: Spark broadcast variables are helpful in this implementation.

The output format of the predictions should be the same as the output of the ApplySpamClassifier program. You should be able to evaluate with in the same way. Go ahead and predict with the two ensemble techniques and evaluate the predictions. Note that ensemble techniques can sometimes improve on the best classifier; sometimes not.

Here's a placeholder for questions 2 and 3 that you're going to answer below (see Altiscale section).

How does the ensemble compare to just concatenating all the training data together and training a single classifier? Let's find out:

cat spam.train.group_x.txt spam.train.group_y.txt spam.train.britney.txt > spam.train.all.txt

Now train on this larger test set, predict, and evaluate.

Here's a placeholder for question 4 that you're going to answer below (see Altiscale section).

The Effects of Data Shuffling

In class, we talked about how a model trained using stochastic gradient descent is dependent on the order in which the training instances are presented to the trainer. Let's explore this effect.

Modify the TrainSpamClassifier to implement a new option --shuffle. With this option, the program will randomly shuffle the training instances before running the trainer:

spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.TrainSpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input spam.train.britney.txt --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-britney-shuffle --shuffle

You must shuffle the data using Spark. The way to accomplish this in Spark is to generate a random number for each instance and then sort the instances by the value. That is, you cannot simply read all the training instances into memory in the driver, shuffle, and then parallelize.

Obviously, the addition of the --shuffle option should not break existing functionality; that is, without the option, the program should behave exactly as before.

Note that in this case we're working with the britney data because the two other datasets have very few examples—random shuffles can lead to weird idiosyncratic effects.

You should be able to evaluate the newly trained model in exactly the same way as above. If you are getting a wildly different 1-ROCA% scores each time, you're doing something wrong.

Here's a placeholder for question 5 that you're going to answer below (see Altiscale section).

Running on Altiscale

You are free to develop locally on your own machine or in the Linux Student CS environment (and in fact, the instructions above assume so), but you must make sure that your code runs in Altiscale also. This is just to verify that your Spark programs will work in a distributed environment, and that you are not inadvertently taking advantage of some local feature.

All training and test data are located in /shared/cs489/data/ on HDFS. Note that spam.train.all.txt has already been prepared for you in that directory also.

For example, training, predicting, and evaluating on the group_x dataset in Altiscale:

my-spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.TrainSpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input /shared/cs489/data/spam.train.group_x.txt \
 --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x

my-spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --class ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6.ApplySpamClassifier \
 target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --input /shared/cs489/data/spam.test.qrels.txt \
 --output cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_x --model cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-model-group_x

./ cs489-2016w-lintool-a6-test-group_x

The major differences are:

  • Location of the training/test data (on HDFS).
  • All input/output from/to HDFS.
  • Use of the my-spark-submit script for launching Spark programs.
  • Use of for the evaluation script.

Refer back to the placeholders above and answer the following questions, running your code on the Altiscale cluster:

Question 1: For each individual classifiers trained on group_x, group_y, and britney, what are the 1-ROCA% scores? You should be able to replicate our results on group_x, group_y, but there may be some non-determinism for britney, which is why we want you to report the figures.

Question 2: What is the 1-ROCA% score of the score averaging technique in the 3-classifier ensemble?

Question 3: What is the 1-ROCA% score of the voting technique in the 3-classifier ensemble?

Question 4: What is the 1-ROCA% score of a single classifier trained on all available training data concatenated together?

Question 5: Run the shuffle trainer 10 times on the britney dataset, predict and evaluate the classifier on the test data each time. Report the 1-ROCA% score in each of the ten trials and compute the overall average.

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

Make sure your repo has the following items:

  • Put the answers to all the questions above in bigdata2016w/
  • Your implementations should go in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment6. At the minimum, you should have TrainSpamClassifier, ApplySpamClassifier, and ApplyEnsembleSpamClassifier. Feel free to include helper code also.

Make sure your implementation runs on the Altiscale cluster. The following check script is provided for you (check the source for the relevant flags):

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", we would recommend that you verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and run the public check scripts.

That's it!


The entire assignment is worth 60 points:

  • Getting your code to compile is worth 4 points.
  • A correct implementation of the basic TrainSpamClassifier is worth 15 points.
  • A correct implementation of ApplySpamClassifier is worth 5 points.
  • A correct implementation of ApplyEnsembleSpamClassifier is worth 6 points.
  • A correct implementation of the --shuffle option in TrainSpamClassifier is worth 5 points.
  • The answers to questions 1-5 are worth 3 points each.
  • Being able to successfully run all your code on Altiscale is worth 10 points. We will begin by testing all your code on Altiscale. If everything works there, you will get full marks. If we can't get your code to run successfully on Altiscale, we will try running your code in the Linux Student CS environment. Even if everything works perfectly there, you will receive zero marks for this item.

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Assignment 7: Inverted Indexing (Redux) due 8:30am March 31

In this assignment you'll revisit the inverted indexing and boolean retrieval program in assignment 3. In assignment 3, your indexer program wrote postings to HDFS in MapFiles and your boolean retrieval program read postings from those MapFiles. In this assignment, you'll write postings to and read postings from HBase instead. In other words, the program logic should not change, except for the backend storage that you are using. This assignment is to be completed using MapReduce in Java.

HBase Word Count

Because HBase requires additional daemon processes to be installed and configured properly, this assignment must be completed in the Altiscale environment. That is, do not use the Linux Student CS environment for this assignment.

To start, take a look at HBaseWordCount in Bespin, which is in the package Make sure you pull the repo to grab the latest version of the code. The HBaseWordCount program is like the basic word count demo, except that it stores the output in an HBase table. That is, the reducer output is directly written to an HBase table: the word serves as the row key, "c" is the column family, "count" is the column qualifier, and the value is the actual count.

The HBaseWordCountFetch program in the same package illustrates how you can fetch these counts out of HBase and shows you how to use the basic HBase "get" API.

Study these two programs to make sure you understand how they work. The two sample program should give you a good introduction to the HBase APIs. A free online HBase book is a good source of additional details.

Make sure you can run both programs. Running HBaseWordCount:

hadoop jar target/bespin-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
 -config /home/hbase-0.98.16-hadoop2/conf/hbase-site.xml \
 -input /shared/cs489/data/Shakespeare.txt -table lintool-wc-shakes -reducers 5

Use the -config option to specify the HBase config file: point to a version on the Altiscale workspace that we've prepared for you. This config file tells the program how to connect to the HBase cluster. Use the -table option to name the table you're inserting the word counts into. The other options should be straightforward to understand.

Note: Since HBase is a shared resource across the cluster, please make your tables unique by using your username as part of the table name, per above.

You should then be able to fetch the word counts from HBase:

hadoop jar target/bespin-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
 -config /home/hbase-0.98.16-hadoop2/conf/hbase-site.xml \
 -table lintool-wc-shakes -term love

If everything works, you'll discover that the term "love" appears 2053 times in the Shakespeare collection.

Next, you should try the same word count demo on the larger sample wiki collection on HDFS at /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt.

HBase Storage

Now it's time to write some code! Following past procedures, everything should go into the package namespace ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment7 (obviously, replace lintool with your actual GitHub username. Note we're back to coding in Java for this assignment.

Before you begin, you'll need to pull in the HBase-related artifacts; otherwise, your code will not compile. Add the following lines in the dependencies block of your pom.xml


You will write two programs, BuildInvertedIndexHBase and BooleanRetrievalHBase. These are the counterparts of the programs you wrote in assignment 3 (and the original Bespin demos); feel free to use your code there as a starting point. Note that you don't need to worry about index compression for this assignment!

The BuildInvertedIndexHBase program is the HBase version of BuildInvertedIndex from the Bespin demo. Instead of writing the index to HDFS, you will write the index to an HBase table. Use the following table structure: the term will be the row key. Your table will have a single column family called "p". In the column family, each document id will be a column qualifier. The value will be the term frequency.

The BooleanRetrievalHBase program is the HBase version of BooleanRetrieval from the Bespin demo. This program should read postings from HBase. Note that the only thing you need to change is the method fetchDocumentSet: instead of reading from the MapFile, you'll read from HBase.

We advise that you begin with the Shakespeare dataset. You should be able to build the HBase index with the following command:

hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment7.BuildInvertedIndexHBase \
  -config /home/hbase-0.98.16-hadoop2/conf/hbase-site.xml \
  -input /shared/cs489/data/Shakespeare.txt \
  -table cs489-2016w-lintool-a7-index-shakespeare -reducers 4

And run a query as follows:

hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment7.BooleanRetrievalHBase \
  -config /home/hbase-0.98.16-hadoop2/conf/hbase-site.xml \
  -table cs489-2016w-lintool-a7-index-shakespeare\
  -collection /shared/cs489/data/Shakespeare.txt \
  -query "outrageous fortune AND"

After you've verified that everything works on the smaller Shakespeare collection, move on to the sample Wikipedia collection. Index as follows:

hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment7.BuildInvertedIndexHBase \
  -config /home/hbase-0.98.16-hadoop2/conf/hbase-site.xml \
  -input /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
  -table cs489-2016w-lintool-a7-index-wiki -reducers 5

And run a query as follows:

hadoop jar target/bigdata2016w-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment7.BooleanRetrievalHBase \
  -config /home/hbase-0.98.16-hadoop2/conf/hbase-site.xml \
  -collection /shared/cs489/data/enwiki-20151201-pages-articles-0.1sample.txt \
  -table cs489-2016w-lintool-a7-index-wiki \
  -query "waterloo stanford OR cheriton AND"

You should verify that all the sample queries (from assignment 3) on both collections work.

Turning in the Assignment

Please follow these instructions carefully!

Make sure your repo has the following items:

  • If you have any notes you wish to convey to us, put it in bigdata2016w/ Otherwise, please create an empty file—following previous assignments, this is where the grade with go.
  • Your implementations should go in package ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.lintool.assignment7. At the minimum, you should have BuildInvertedIndexHBase and BooleanRetrievalHBase. Feel free to include helper code also.

The following check script is provided for you:

When you've done everything, commit to your repo and remember to push back to origin. You should be able to see your edits in the web interface. Before you consider the assignment "complete", we would recommend that you verify everything above works by performing a clean clone of your repo and run the public check scripts.

That's it!


The entire assignment is worth 30 points:

  • The implementation to BuildInvertedIndexHBase is worth 10 points; the implementation to BooleanRetrievalHBase is worth 5 points.
  • Getting your code to run on sample queries (the same as the ones in assignment 3) is worth 10 points. That is, to earn all 10 points, we should be able to run your code on both the Shakespeare and sample Wikipedia collection, following exactly the procedure above. Therefore, if all the answers are correct and the implementation seems correct, but we cannot get your code to build and run, you will not earn these points.
  • Another 5 points is allotted to us verifying the behavior and output of your program in ways that we will not tell you. We're giving you the "public" versions of the check scripts; we'll run a "private" version to examine your output further (i.e., think blind test cases).

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Final Project

The final project is a requirement only for graduate students taking CS 698.

The topic of the final project can be on anything you wish in the space of big data. Anything reasonably related to topics that we covered in the course is within scope. For reference, there are three types of projects you might consider:

  • Implement a big data algorithm in MapReduce or Spark: choose a particular big data algorithm (for processing text, graphs, relational data, etc.) and implement it. Ideally, the implementation does not already exist in a library or open-source package. Since we want you to implement the algorithm from scratch, it might perhaps be too tempting to simply copy existing code—see notes on academic integrity.
  • Learn and explore a (new) big data processing framework: although we discussed a variety of processing frameworks in class, the assignments focused on MapReduce and Spark exclusively. Here's your chance to learn a new processing framework, e.g., Spark Streaming, GraphX, Giraph, Flink, etc. The project would involve learning to use the processing framework and doing something interesting with it. The "something interesting" might be a data mining algorithm, although note that the expectations would be lower than building something in MapReduce or Spark, since learning the new framework would form an essential component of the project.
  • Perform some interesting data science. Is there a particular dataset you'd like to explore or analyze? Your project could involve performing interesting analytics on a dataset—here, the focus would be the analytical product and the insights gleaned, as opposed to the raw algorithms themselves. However, a superficial analysis with existing machine-learning libraries is not enough.

You may work in groups of up to three, or you can also work by yourself if you wish. The amount of effort devoted to the project should be proportional to the number of people in the team. We would expect a level of effort comparable to two assignments per person.

When you are ready, send the instructors an email describing what you'd like to work on. We will provide you feedback on appropriateness, scope, etc.

In terms of resources, you are welcome to use the Altiscale cluster. Note that we expect your project to be more than a "toy". To calibrate what we mean by "toy", consider the assignments throughout the course: they have a "run on local" part and "run on Altiscale" part. The first part is "toy"; the Altiscale part would not be. If you're planning to work with a framework that doesn't run on Altiscale, you're responsible for finding your own hardware resources.

The deliverable for the final project is a report. Use the ACM Templates. The contents of the report will of course vary by the topic, but we would expect the following sections:

  • describe the problem you're tackling and what you're trying to accomplish (introduction, problem statement)
  • present existing solutions (background, related work)
  • detail how you went about solving the problem (methods, algorithms, implementation details, etc.)
  • discuss how well things work (some sort of evaluation and results).

Once again, length would vary, but 6 pages (in the ACM Template) seems about right.

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