Welcome to the Tucson City Guide. Tucson is nestled in the valley of multiple mountains, the Santa Catalinas to the North, the Santa Ritas to the South, the Rincons to the East and the Tucson Mountains to the West. Tucson is a dry desert climate, though there is a monsoon season in the summer.

Tucson is remarkable due to the influences of Native American and Mexican culture on the architecture and cuisine. While Mexican food is plentiful in Tucson, the city provides a range of multi-cultural cuisines.

With a metropolitan population of one million people, Tucson offers a diverse and relatively active nightlife and cultural scene. This is in no small part due to the presence of the University of Arizona.

The reviews for Tucson were written by graduate students and young professionals who call Tucson home. Try some of our search features below and plan a day in Tucson!

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