LBSC 690: Homework #5
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Modify a Program
In the real world, you are more likely to modify an
already-existing program, as opposed to creating one from scratch. In
this assignment, you will modify the search tool selector we discussed
in class.
Do the following:
- The library board has decided that people aged 16 and over
should be treated as adults by the search tool selector. Change
the page to implement this new policy.
- Using AltaVista was so 1997. Cool people use Google as the
preferred search engine now. Change the page so that adults are
sent to Google.
- Your library director has learned that according to the Journal
of Useless Internet Stuff, people over 40 prefer the Vivisimo. Change the page so
that adults over 40 are sent to Vivisimo.
Last updated: $Date: 2006/08/25 02:42:49 $