INFM 700 Information Architecture (Spring 2008)

Team Presentations

1. Overview

This assignment will be completed in teams of three individuals. Together, each team will be responsible for a 30-40 minute class presentation about a particular topic. The topics are divided into two broad themes, and will occur on two separate dates.

Theme #1: Survey of Knowledge Resources (Presentation date: 2/25)

Theme #2: Techniques for Unstructured Information (Presentation date: 3/24)

Each presentation will be divided into two portions:

In the lecture portion of the presentation, I would like you to cover specific issues, outlined in Section 2.

In the discussion portion of the presentation, you will be responsible for leading a class discussion on your topic as it pertains to issues in information architecture. This involves:

You are free to divide up the preparation effort in any way that you see fit. However, I want everyone on your team to be equally engaged.

2. Specific Issues to Address

Here are the specific questions I would like you to address for topics under theme #1, "Survey of Knowledge Resources":

Here are the specific questions I would like you to address for topics under theme #2, "Techniques for Unstructured Information":

For both sets of topics, the above questions serve as starting points. Feel free to elaborate in ways which you think are appropriate to the specific topic.

3. Starting Points

For each topic, I have provided below a few references to serve as starting points for research. You are expected to do additional research beyond these suggestions.

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)

Folksonomies and community-built directories

WordNet and FrameNet

Recommender systems

Mining search engine query logs

Automatic clustering and classification

Image search

4. Grading

Topics under theme #1 will be presented on February 25. Topics under theme #2 will be presented on March 24. The components of the grade for this project are as follows (a total of 10 points):

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