A Hadoop toolkit for working with big data
This page presents solutions for the PageRank exercise. Code is described in a separate page on design patterns for graph algorithms in MapReduce. Here, we show how the code can be applied to solve this exercise. Command-line invocations are shown for the "large" graph, but are similar for the other graphs.
Assuming that you've already loaded the adjacency list information
to HDFS, the first step
is to take the plain-text graph structure and pack it into the
appropriate Hadoop data structures:
$ hadoop jar target/cloud9-X.Y.Z-fatjar.jar edu.umd.cloud9.example.pagerank.BuildPageRankRecords \ -input sample-large.txt -output sample-large-PageRankRecords -numNodes 1458
Next, let's partition the graph:
$ hadoop fs -mkdir sample-large-PageRank $ hadoop jar target/cloud9-X.Y.Z-fatjar.jar edu.umd.cloud9.example.pagerank.PartitionGraph \ -input sample-large-PageRankRecords -output sample-large-PageRank/iter0000 -numPartitions 5 -numNodes 1458
Now we're ready to run PageRank. Let's run 10 iterations:
$ hadoop jar target/cloud9-X.Y.Z-fatjar.jar edu.umd.cloud9.example.pagerank.RunPageRankBasic \ -base sample-large-PageRank -numNodes 1458 -start 0 -end 10 -useCombiner
We're basically done! Let's use this utility program to fetch the top 10 nodes by PageRank:
$ hadoop jar target/cloud9-X.Y.Z-fatjar.jar edu.umd.cloud9.example.pagerank.FindMaxPageRankNodes \ -input sample-large-PageRank/iter0010 -output sample-large-PageRank-top10 -top 10
The results:
$ hadoop fs -cat sample-large-PageRank-top10/part-r-00000 9369084 -4.3875346 8669492 -4.4548674 12486146 -4.7748857 9265639 -4.855565 10912914 -4.8680253 8614504 -4.8873844 12787320 -4.897782 11775232 -4.917762 8069300 -5.0934334 9520006 -5.094012
The PageRank values are expressed as log probabilities, and do indeed match results from the JUNG reference implementation.